Tennessee Thomas girl crush

Beautiful drummer and beautiful lady. I'd like to party with her anytime, or whip up some tunes together. Dig her style probably moreso than Alexa. Mmmmhmm. xoxo C

sources: tumblr (fuckyeahtennesseethomas)


I love the second picture, would be so how I'd like my wedding dress. I'm not into tradition, in many different aspects. Love these desert pictures, makes me want to roadtrip America. It's all about flowy material, and clashing patterns and natural flesh showing. xoxo C

Nature Colour explosion

Makes me feel like wearing lots of colour!

R.I.P Amy

You had such a beautiful voice, such a pity your demons got the better of you. Always remembered. xoxo

source: tumblr&googleimages

skin and floral

Lovely weather lately, pity about it still being cold! The sun is beautiful and the sky is clear. Perfect weather to end my dreaded pneumonia-2-week-reign. Back to work tomorrow!!! So much new product and beautiful clothes to admire, I'm a bit excited! Hope your Monday was superb. xoxo Cat

Summer Missin'

Have not posted on here in such a long time, I feel rather guilty! I tend to use my Tumblr sooo much because it's a bit more efficient. Anyway, it's freezing here and I'm really over Winter already. Mainly because I'm sick, it's too cold to do much else than watch movies, stay indoors and snuggle up with my boyfriend and kitten.
I'm longing for Spring or Summer so much right now. The beach, the salt air, relaxing crashing of the waves.. how I miss living coastal! Living in the city can be frustrating when you have a lower budget... but has it's perks for night life. Ah I feel like I'm whinging too much. Anyway here are some pictures giving me some hope for when the weather starts warming up.... xoxo Cat

sources: Tumblr, bloglovin', oraclefox

Liz I Miss Thee

It's been sooooo long since I've posted on our blog! I feel very sad to have neglected this lovely site. I tend to get carried away on Tumblr these days... but here are some photos that remind me of Liz and our blog and the loveliness that is life.
It is so crazy to think about how much my life has changed in the one year that was 2010. So many highs and lows. I traveled overseas for the first time, fell out of love, lost a relationship, moved 100kms away, started a new course (that I love, however need to defer so I can catch up on finances..), moved in with a friend, moved out because I couldn't stand her, moved back home, re-friended my best friend of 11 years, fell absolutely head over heels for a lovely boy, realized that I deserve to feel amazing and adored, moved back to Brisbane and in a shared house with some great friends and my fantastic boyfriend, lost friends, gained friends, lost some brain cells, gained a lot of wisdom, laughed, cried, danced, broke down. 2010 was such an insane year for me, I'm hoping 2011 is going to bring me more fortune and less fall outs. I miss you Liz and hope we get to see each other soon, I love you, you are a great friend. Hope you all have a great start to the year as I have (apart from the flooding in our area and all the poor unfortunate souls affected by this shitty natural disaster). My love goes out to you all. xoxo Cat