Art is life

Art is such a beautiful thing. Since I was a baby I have always been creative and I appreciate all forms of artistic expression, whether it be through films, books, art, music etc. However it's frustrating for me as I feel I have a lot to offer/express but I haven't yet found an appropriate outlet for my creativity. Blogging beautiful pictures helps, but it's not my own work and I am still searching for that one form of expression that suits me perfectly. God knows I couldn't play a musical instrument if my life depended on it. I've accepted I'm not naturally musically talented even though I deeply enjoy all types of music and have tried to learn a great number of instruments myself. I want to get back to doing what I love most and I am going to try out lots of forms of art- painting, sketching, photography- untill I find my suitable release.

1 love letters:

Is This Real Life? says
January 3, 2011 at 4:07 AM

That is actually one of my goals for this year to get back into my art work too. Ever since i was little i have always drawn/painted and sketched but as i got older for some reason i have stopped doing it but i love creating things and i definitley want to make an effort this year with it!
Maybe we will both have exhibits in no time,Ha!

Thank you for your lovely comment too!
I hope you had an amazing christmas and NY and that 2011 will be wonderful for you both!

Can't wait to keep reading the blog in 2011 too, its a fave and its always so inspiring!