Inspirations, needs, wants & loves for today... I need to get my hands on a pair of these amazing white torn skinny jeans!

Daisy Lowe, another London 'It Girl' but she's gorgeous!
Paris on a rainy day, need I say anymore?

Love this bedroom, it's so simply & sweet. I don't think I could ever pull off having a bedroom so neat & tidy, I have too much stuff (i.e junk I don't need but can't throw out). Every few weeks or so (Yes I'm a maniac) I do a total clean out of my room, tidy & cull everything because I always need a change in my surroundings. I always want the end result to be something like the above but it never works, basically it ends up the same junk, just in a different place.
However, I still smile because I appreciate that I have all that junk in the first place! Life is great!
Love Liz x
Source: A cup of joy, style & substance

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